Aerial view of North Park University campus with 芝加哥 skyline.



The mission of North Park University, as the University of the 福音圣约教会, is to prepare students for lives of significance and service through education in the liberal arts, 专业的研究, 和神学.


建立在我们的核心机构身份-基督教, 由, intercultural—our vision is to create a university of uncommon character and enduring excellence, 在信仰的基础上, 学习, 服务满足.


North Park University will be distinguished as the nation’s leading 由 基督教 university during the coming decade and beyond.

The University’s 学习 community is differentiated by adopting the city as both subject and place of 学习 as a foundation for academic excellence. 在这个框架内, the University educates students from diverse backgrounds, 文化, 以及之前的学术经历, practicing 基督教 hospitality with students of all faith traditions while centering in the Affirmations of the 福音圣约教会.

The University will be known through its graduates who are equipped in their respective careers to advance the vitality of the world’s people and their cities, 做好跨文化的准备, and formed in 基督教 community for leadership and service in the church and the world.


北园大学拥有125年的悠久历史. We share a strong heritage of faith and a commitment to welcoming students from diverse 文化, 社会传统, 和宗教信仰.


在我们独特的学习社区中, 基督教信仰, 学习, 服务满足, students at North Park University experience an education that:

  • Is rooted in and committed to the 基督教 faith and its sacred text, the Bible
  • Engages 芝加哥 as a dynamic context for 学习 and service
  • Embraces all people and celebrates the richness of cultural difference
  • Affirms 学习 in all its forms-in the classroom and beyond-as a gift, 一种乐趣, 神圣的义务
  • Encourages dialogue as a means of 学习 where open inquiry, 完整性, 文明是我们共同生活的准则
  • Seeks to form and transform the whole student (intellectually, 社会上和精神上)他们的个人能力
  • 重视每一个学生,因为他或她是谁,并将成为


The University’s academic 项目 and 学习 environment are informed by three institutional values. 我们的社区是:

基督教 -我们培育信仰,平衡承诺和自由.

– We engage 芝加哥 as a dynamic place of 学习 and service.

跨文化 -我们拥抱并重视所有人, 庆祝全球文化瑰丽, and support the reconciling mandate of the 基督教 gospel.


北园大学成立于1891年 福音圣约教会 (ECC), 快速增长的, multi-ethnic denomination with over 800 congregations in the United States and Canada and ministries on five continents.


1885年由瑞典移民组建, the 福音圣约教会 seeks to form and nurture communities and individuals who are deeply committed to Jesus Christ and passionately engaged in Christ’s mission in the world. The church’s missional identity is characterized by these values:

  • The Bible is the Word of God, and the only perfect rule for faith, doctrine and conduct
  • 新生的必要性
  • 对教会全部使命的承诺
  • 教会:作为信徒团契的教会
  • 对圣灵有意识的依赖
  • 在基督里自由的现实


作为一个机构, North Park University’s identity consistently reflects and embodies the mission and values of the ECC as we prepare students for lives of significance and service. Academic study is informed by engaging faith in the classroom, as well as through participating in the vibrant campus and urban communities. We understand our distinctively 基督教 identity to be one which welcomes students of all backgrounds into the conversation.

与教堂保持着深厚的联系 北公园神学院, ECC的神学院, which prepares men and women for competent and faithful service in a variety of ministry contexts.


我们邀请您进一步探索 面额在线, and offer the following highlights as keys to 学习 more about the mission and identity of the Covenant church:

You can search for specific topics and resources in the online 约资源 图书馆, including scholarship on church and ministry issues from a number of professors at North Park.

For further information about the ECC and North Park University and Theological 神学院, please 联系丹尼斯·R. 爱德华兹, vice president for church relations and dean of the seminary.

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Our admissions team will contact you and send more information about North Park and the opportunities available to you here.


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